Sunday 20 January 2013

Immy - *Rant* over Hearing Aid Batteries!

I'm sorry, most of you probably don't want to read a post full of moaning. However it's something as a Deaf person, I have to say as it's been getting under my skin!
My local Hospital is a good 6 miles away from my house and I have no transport, so I have to either rely on my parents giving me a lift or getting the bus at £4.10 a return - either way, it's a massive pain to get there. They did have a service where they had people from Audiology come round the villages for things like batteries, clean tubes and anything else you wanted to ask them about. But, last month they got rid of that service (yes, it was only 2 days a month and at the most awkward time, but you always made it so you could go) - due to the funding at the local Doctors. Now, I understand in a way why they may have dispose of that facility as there is probably very few people in the Norfolk villages that are Deaf or wear hearing aids, so if they needed to cut funding on something it may be that. Simply because they think 'well there is a Hospital you can go to' - but they just don't think about us small people who find that difficult!
But saying all that, going to the Hospital isn't that straight forward either as the last time I went up there they altered everything about how you can pick them up, where you can pick them up and well, I was annoyed I hadn't been told. Especially when you have a new system to pick them up! They've got it now so that you have to use a red booklet to collect anything from Audiology - only it's not at Audiology anymore it's at the front desk, where they've plonked volunteers at the desk who don't know nothing about what they're doing. I don't just say that out of being annoyed, they honestly don't know what they're doing.. I asked them (before I had the red booklet, or understood there was a red booklet (and wondering why I was never informed I needed a red booklet)) if I could have some orange batteries and was told "well, are you Deaf? Do you need them?" I tell them yes, as I am Deaf with two hearing aids.. but they looked at me disbelieving so I had to lift my hair up to reveal my aids (it was like I had to prove myself!), then I get asked "Do you have your red book?" I say I don't have a red book nor do I know of a red book needed.. and they point blank refused to give me any batteries. Now, I stood there thinking 'well would I honestly be standing here, asking for batteries, with hearing aids in.. if I didn't actually need them?' Now, would I? Why would I waste my time doing that? Why would anyone?
Anyhow, I got a red book eventually.. and I get A packet of batteries - 1 packet, of 6.. now, why? It'll only mean i'll have to go back in a months time, at my inconvenience (but, I need them to pretty much survive - so..) . I just don't understand why they have to make everything that much more difficult.

The reason that inspired me to do this piece was that on Saturday I had to go buy some batteries as they both went out at the same time. The Hospital 'couldn't cater to this facility' as it was the weekend.. so I had to result in going in Boots and getting some for £3.59 a pack! It seems a lot of money when you can normally have them for nothing.
but I suppose it's NFN. (Normal For Norfolk) - Eleanor Inspired!!

Can you relate to this? Have your Hospital got a new system on the receiving of hearing aid batteries? Do you need a red book? Or feel you have to prove you're Deaf to anyone? We'd love to hear your stories too!! :)

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